Impeach or Indict?
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01-29-2006, 03:47 AM
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Nov 2005
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Also welcome,
I am not a Democrat- not nowdays, anyway, but was in the party- including holding elective office- from 1972-1995 (or six) when I quit paying dues. Based on that experience, here's what I've seen:
The Democrat's primary weakness has been and continues to be their inability to champion the causes of their major constituency (working people) as that runs contrary to the PACs, which are their major financial backers.
Note that the change in allegiance on the part of the citizens has been less of one from Republican to Democrat over the past 2 decades as it has been from Democrat to non-participant in the political system. This is a direct result of the Dems inability to stop the drain of industrial jobs overseas.
So, at present what do we have?
Well, a National Committee which bears the stamp of Bill Clinton, and is subsiquently by, of, and for the corporation, surrounded by state parties which run the gamet from mirrors of the DNC to remanants of the Progressive wing of the old party, as we have here in Wisconsin.
In short, it is a helluva mess and produces a weak, disjointed opposition which seems to stand for nothing, except more and better ways to get donations.
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