Hisham Kabbani on the Tablighi Jama'h!
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03-21-2011, 03:25 AM
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Oct 2005
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I personally know deobandi ulama who have gone to Disneyland and other such amusement parks. I know a deobandi alim, finished through dewsbury, one year jamaat, and also attends a local multi cultural festival to sell halal hot dogs to raise money for the masjid association, even though they had belly dancers and music blasting throughout. I asked if there was any baraka in this, and was told, make the intention of doing dawah. I was also told that Mufti Taqi Uthmani wrote or said in Islahi Khutba that if you make the niyyah of doing dawah, then even going somewhere like disneyland is meritous (that needs to be verified, but I was told it by a deobandi alim). I also know another canadian deobandi alim finished in south africa) who told me that when non-muslims pass you on the street, its ok to look at them and smile, even if they are women. And he mentioned to me that he had done this himself earlier in the same day. So whats up with all that? I could drop names, but I am not going to.
Deobandis should clean up their own house before trying to clean up others.They have enough work to do.
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