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Old 10-11-2012, 10:46 PM   #6

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here she is praising obama, bacha khan and benazir:

she was not a rights activist or anything. she was propped up by the government and US to further the bias against taliban. look at her blog on bbc, filled with utter propaganda and jokes against niqab, shariat and basically. and the blog was from swat. have anyone of you been published on BBC?

it was due to her ('her' as in the whole franchise) propaganda that pakistan armed forces got a free ticket and were able to rally popular support and attack swat, kill as much as they can and demolish shariah.

and now we dont have shariah in swat. this is the same propaganda used against afghan taliban when it was invaded 'we are going to liberate the women'.

her parents and government are responsible for this. and she is not a child. she is 14 and baaligh. yet still the parents are primarily responsible.
But still a true mujahid cant be petty and baghairat. Even if she was being used, she was a kid. I highly doubt mujahideen would do such a thing. Most probably its the same forces who advertised her before and then using this incident to further take the respect of deen out of the hearts of ordinary muslims.
GentlieGant is offline


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