exactly this is a good question. why did ttp attack kamra and hugely intensified their attacks right after plans for n.waziristan operation were 'announced'? and now why this and not attack on any secular as you say? the girl's family was warned before it seems. what my belief is there is a plan to have a knee-jerk reaction from army out of this. as for girly mujahideen. they were the same ones who did pns mehran and kamra and GHQ. among other things. not very girly. why would they resort to killing just a girl when they can routinely attack army quite easily? they are nowhere near defeated by army to resort to 'girly attacks'. this is the puzzle we all are looking for the answer of. (p.s it is still not confirmed that ttp did it. but we are quite certain that it is.) you still seem to not acknowledge that she was a baaligh. for which I cannot say anything else.