MashAllah brother, may Allah give you isteqamah and may He give me some part of your commitment to follow the path properly. One more thing, my Shaikh tells that we should not be too concerned with the number of lessons, rather we should focus on the Ultimate goal-Ridha of Allah at all times. Any ways, who's your respected Shaykh?
Add this also in your routine : Ummat ki haal par fikir karke din mein chal phir ke ummat ke beeich deen ki mehnat karna aur raat ko Allah ke saamne roona...... .
Astaghfirullah Bhai....I can,t say about others,but at least I am not one of those 'High calibre ' buzargan! Bhai,to me this highlights one very important 'usool'....." That every one on the path of sulook needs mujahida,in addition to ZIKRE" .Lately it has been the prevailing practice to depend solely on ZIKRE.Hazrat Hakim ul ummat RA has pointed it out in several Of his malfoozat and khutbat....that we need 'Mujahida' as much as ZIKRE to achieve the objectives of sulook.Depending 'only' on ZIKRE may not work. ........
MashaAllaah. One question: When you suggest being in the state of wudu all the time, what does that really mean? Do you go on to renew your wudu the very moment it's broken?
Salam u alaikum, MashAllah , and JazakAllah khayrun for sharing. Your post was of much benefit, and lot of lessons to learn. Overall what i learned was: " If you adopt Taqwa, the result is guaranteed Qurb of Allah"
UserInvalid, may I ask what you do professionally?
Since reading your post yesterday Br User(in)Valid, parts of it keep resonating in my mind. Probably one of the most beneficial things I have read here. I feel dispair at times at not being able to even reach the first step of sulook. I will try implementing the steps highlighted in your post, especially in the office environment and pray it benefits me. .......
In my initial stage too a lot of things happened in quick succession. Some old hands even noticed the quick progress. Even then I was sort of impatient why my case is not routine like senior Seekers - they come, give a letter and get it back after a few days. Now it bugs me why the journey is not as rapid as earlier! Man is hardly ever complacent.
Bhai User.. one does not tie a defective black pebble along with such lustruous gems.. i thought about adding something yesterday.. but my mind was over whelmed by ur post.. dont know when i shall get taufeeq.. pls make dua that Allah gives me ikhlaas.. that the meagre defective amals if i ever did would get accepted.. everything indeed lies in his fadhl.. an incident quoted by Hazrat Maulana Shah Wasiullah sahab ilahabadi comes to mind.. That a buzurg was once passing by a fort.. high above was seated the king gazing at the goings on down below.. the king wished to speak to him.. lowered a rope and signalled to come up.. ........
I have read about protecting my eyes and tried that , Although I have not been able make it a habit ( sometimes you do look at what your not supposed to even if there is no evil thought inside ) I have noticed when you do so your salah becomes much more pleasing , you feel peaceful and relaxing . You feel love for Allah more. .....