Someone is desirous to go out for taking part in Jihad, another to join a Tablighi tour, still there is another who wants to become a Maulana or a Mufti, unmindful of the many obligatory duties that lie on him. It is not at all Deen to ignore these demands of the time and insist on satisfying one's own desires. The advice to get oneself attached to a Shaikh (spiritual guide) is for this very purpose. The Shaikh tells his disciples what the demands of the times are. This never means that I am advising against becoming a Mufti or going on a Chilla (period of 40 days) for Tabligh or proceeding on Jihad. The intention is to say that all these are highly valuable duties, but each in its proper time. A man has to find out what the time demands of him. It is not Deen to determine a course of action of one's own choice and follow it ignoring other important considerations, particularly the advice of the Shaikh, if any, one may have chosen for guidance...