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05-20-2011, 06:00 PM
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Oct 2005
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Importace of Patience
Todays topic was Patience. The Imam said we modern Muslims are not experiencing even a part of the Pain and tribulation the Sahaba went through. But still we are impatient.
The Imam quoted Umar ibn Al Kattab (ra) :
(the following is from my recollection forgive me for my mistakes)
: If I am experience difficulty and hardship, I am happy for three things-
1. That the hardship did not fall on my Imaan, instead its on only worldly matters;
2. Someone else is undergoing even a tougher trail, and I am better off with this smaller difficulty;
3. If I am patient while this hardship falls on me, Allah will give me its benefit in the Akhirah.
I would also like to add that He mentioned the importance of saying
'Inna lillahi wainnailayhi raajeeoon'.
He said it is mentioned in the Quran that a true beliver will be
and say
'Inna lillahi wainnailayhi raajeeoon'
when difficulty strikes.
Also quoted that when a
small child dies
Allah will ask the Angels what the parent is doing. Then the Angels will reply that the Parent is saying
'Inna lillahi wainnailayhi raajeeoon'
. Then Allah will order the Angels to build a house in Heaven called 'Baytul Hamd' for that parent who showed patience.
(The Imam mentioned that this is quoted in a book called 'Saffaat Tafasir' or a similar name).
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