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Old 07-25-2012, 03:57 PM   #26

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In some sense Zakir Naik has been defending and preaching some thing which he does not know completely.

This is alright in itself. It is doubtful that one case make claim to knowing all of Deen before one takes to the podium. Islam's rule is to communicate even if you have a single Verse. That, I suppose, Zakir Naik is doing. Unlike many of us. I also have the feeling that by now he is aware of the fact that some areas of Deen are not within his easy reach. I hope he takes the best route henceforth.

I agree with what you said above bold portion but then again look at your own line above that

In some sense Zakir Naik has been defending and preaching some thing which he does not know completely. Now that reminded me of something. A conversation on a separate argument on La Madhabis I witnessed.

The Ahle hadith guy was comparing people who don't support them as being asleep or pretending to be asleep.
In reply the answer was given that those who ' Sleepwalk' (a sleeping disorder ) are in much more danger of harming themselves and others then those who are asleep and pretending to be asleep.

That is how I see people who admire Zakir Naik and follow that same fashion and attitude when understanding or trying to explain Islam .

I rather hope they be asleep , go on with their lives and not be a zealot . Because they are doing themselves and the Ummah more harm then good.
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