Brother Sufi Taliban, You have rightly pointed this out. There is nothing wrong in sacrificing sadqa animal in the name of Allah. Rukya meaning in Urdu is what we refer to as "DUM". It is an effective method but NOT in all cases. There are possession and black magic cases where even doctors give highly toxic medicines to patients just to stop halucinations and make them sleep. Saudi's and Wahabi's would keep waiting 4 months doing Rukya even if their patient dies. Voodoo magic is so cruel it has INSTANT effects on victim. The ones who does Voodoo can KILL people in 3 to 4 months if victim has no idea whats happening to him. I have seen people getting cured by Taweez, Roohaniyat, Crystals, Energy Therapy, etc. Japanese version is called REIKI. Indian's use VEDIC techniques (Chakras, wrist bands, amulets, etc). If we study history, Muslim scholars were pioneers of Mathematics (Numerology), Astrology and other ALOOM. There is nothing wrong if a person in critical situation uses this way of treatment. I know people here who have Moakils. They send their Moakils to check condition of black magic on their client and then provide remedies. I also have seen a case where eldest daughter of one of our family friends got admitted in Fauji Foundation Hospital. She was in comma like situation. Doctors claimed she won't survive more than a week and asked her father to take her home. The poor family consulted some Aamil who has Moakil. Aamil sahib said the girl will be OK in 3 weeks. She was given TAWEEZ and some other things. She got CURED and is living happy married life now. It was a black magic attack.