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Old 04-01-2010, 01:30 AM   #40

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Oct 2005
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Wa alaykum salam sister,

I too have heard from various sources that Surah Muzamil is jalali. It shouldn't be read with the intention of amal without supervision.

Try praying loads of durood though cos that is the opposite of jalali and usually people pray it at least 3 times before and after before doing any jalali amal.

It is also one of the ways in which bad happenings can be removed from our lives. There are numerous blessings of reciting durood. For example, by sending one blessing on Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alaihe Wasalam, Allah showers ten blessings upon you.

Follow these steps and inshaAllah things will improve with regards to magic:

1. Be sincere to Allah. Resolve to put Deen above Dunya completely and have the resolve that you would die for your deen, if the situation were to arise.
2. Try to feel for the existence of Allah. Don't think of prayer and dua as just empty physical gestures and whispered words, but actually CONNECT with Allah from your heart. Have faith.
3. Pray all salah on time to the best of your ability. After each salah: recite ayatul kursi once.
3. Try to remain in a constant state of wudhu at all times. Make wudhu before sleeping too.
4. Pray Surah Baqarah in the house. This surah keeps aways shaytan - they can't come in a house this is recited in for three days. It's a long surah, so I realise it would be difficult to pray everyday, but at least a few pages a day should be done. Also, play the entire surah on MP3 loud in the house daily.
5. Recite Manzil (collection of quranic ayat that help remove magic) over a bottle water each night. Drink the water and sprinkle the water lightly around the walls of your house. Do this every day.
6. Every morning, after Fajr and at night (preferebly after Maghrib), have a set of duas ready that you pray with full consciousness and attentiveness toward Allah. Ask them in English as well as Arabic so that you know what you're asking. Here. This is a file with some of the duas I like which I think would be useful for you. Also try and pray the duas here. There's some good ones in that page. Pick out the ones that you like and make a regular habit to pray them everyday. BELIEVE that your duas ARE being accepted and your trust in Allah will increase InshaAllah - thus, you will feel less anxious about things in life.
7. Pray Hajat salah every night. Again, with full consciousness. You do this by first reading two rakat nafil, then you praise Allah however many times (perhaps by saying SubhanAllah), then you send salam on the Prophet SAW however many times you want, then you read this dua and then finally make dua that Allah cures you all and protects you (and ask anything else you want).
8. Say as much salawat/durood as you can.
9. Before you sleep, pray surah ikhlaas, surah falaq and surah naas three times and blow it over yourself.

Initially you might feel things getting worse but that is just the magic/jinn fighting back but inshaAllah if you stick at it, you will become stronger and the effects of evil will diminish.

If you do these steps every day, you will InshaAllah have far greater control over any magic and you will be more motivated toward deen.

Never leave dua. Do hajat dua every day. It really does help a lot. Allah has made it clear that the dua of an oppressed person is certainly answered so you even have an advantage over other people.
Adwetyren is offline


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