Here's my blog about school. Today, some boy in my class pushed when he was running, then i said "watch where you're going. are you crazy". the he says "ARE YOU CALLING ME CRAZY". Then i'm like "how old are you, are you really offended by that". The he comes up to my face, then we face each other off. Then he pushes me, so i push him back. Then he goes. The same kind of thing happened in break, accept that it was almost a fight. I'm not backing down. I know he can take me on, and he's stronger. But if i show no weakness and lose, he won't wanna get a punch in the mouth. I'm thinking of beating him up on saturday, but idk whether it's right. We had two free periods today, when the teacher didn't come. So we stayed in the class, and basically went wild. Now lots of people know me as "the british boy", I get hellos and what's up everywhere i go. This guy in school, says he likes somalians, he calls me "waryaa" lol.