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Old 03-08-2012, 04:04 AM   #21

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Now the need of the hour is for Islam to present a fair and just economical system as an alternate to this baised casino of so called free market system. But, I do not see any effort being made whatsover by any section of Muslim society, most I see is that Muslims who are very religious go to Islamic banks for mortgage financing and thats about it. Imam Hosien does list all the ills of western "free market system" but he does not provide a solution as to what people can do at the micro level. Yes one could have bought gold and silver, but its not practiccal as you will still have to deal with "fait" paper currency.

I know that there are some halaal investment vehicles (both equity and bonds) in Malaysia and in some parts of the gulf, but I am not sure how they do their investments and what sort of returns they generate.
At the mirco-level , several groups are resisting againt the internation satanic bankers . One such group is active in Indonesia.
Check this.

Indonesia group prefers gold as dollar loses shine

Guided by a Scottish-born convert to Islam, a group of devout Indonesian Muslims is shunning "worthless" paper money in favour of gold and silver coins for their daily transactions
The followers of Sheikh Abdalqadir as-Sufi -- born Ian Dallas -- trade goods like food, medicine, clothes and phone cards with gold dinars and silver dirhams in line with a strict interpretation of Islamic law.


For other groups . check this.!!
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