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Old 10-11-2008, 08:46 AM   #20

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Oct 2005
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I don't know whether these are funny moments, but they are certainly remarkable. I have listened to these lectures all on audio and wasn't there live. Off the top of my head:

- Once Mawlana Tariq Jamil was lecturing in a Masjid while suddenly a man shouted 'nara takbir,' which shook up the Mawlana. He quickly said, "Who was that?" (oi, ye kon tha?), and he said very relaxed: "It is not his fault, if the Khawas do it, then what is the fault of the awwam."
- In a lecture of Mawlana Masood Azhar he was describing the reality of the brothers and sisters who were being oppressed, whereupon a person in the gathering lost his peace, started to shake and make sound. People began to stood up and he calmly said something like: "What is wrong, sit at your places, he is just having a haal."
- In another lecture of Mawlana Masood, suddenly in the middle of the lecture after a loud slogan, gunshots were fired and Mawlana Masood just said: "Let nobody fire gunshots in the gathering." One of his bodyguards probably whispered: "There is no firing in the crowd." And thereafter he asked the people to pay attention to the lecture.
- In another lecture he talked about those sitting in the crowd, with their paper and pen in their pockets, waiting to note down the things said in the gathering. He mocked them by saying "These people really love the friends of Allah, and that is why they visit their gatherings. They won't go to Asma Jahangir or other sinful people. Just look at their love."
- In a lecture of Mufti Zarwali a person yawned and opened his mouth fully, and Mufti Sahib reacted immediately and said something like: "Watch out, I fear you might eat me up with that big mouth. Don't you know that you should cover your mouth when you yawn?" Mufti Zarwali won't hesitate to correct someone and this will happen if someone sleeps lightly during a lecture, or a person who was late tries to come at the front rows etc.
- In a gathering in Hong Kong Mawlana Abdul Hay Abid was invited. He discussed the personality of the Messenger -sallallahu alayhi wasallam- and his great attributes. Then he talked about the beard and said to the crowd: 'Now why don't you people have a beard? Now stand up and promise that you will grow a beard from now on. This is the first time I visited this place.' 10 people stood up in that gathering and promised to grow their beards.
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