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Old 02-11-2010, 12:17 AM   #22

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Nov 2005
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AWW. I've been wanting to post since it started but had a prob. Anyways, i want to say to my 2 beloved sisters that we are in the same boat! I'm the only one in purdah in the whole uni. Family pressure is sooo high for me to do med, that i'm hopelessly confused.. I live in a country where i'l be the 1st to do med(if i do) and its soo scary..can i put my deen on 2nd position and studies on 1st??! I'm not sure i can! Shukran to all for advice. Gives me solace that i have some ppl with me in the boat!

Just adopt tawakul alallah!
welcome shelcome to the boat sisterAmatullah

mashAllah,being the only one in the entire univ in pardah takes guts and courage!
i remember when i started hijab in final yr of med,i was the only one too n since everyone knew me for 4 long yrs..they kept wonderin wat happened to me! most would ask me if i got engaged or married.alhumdulilah i survived,it was only hijab though at that time.but Allah hu akbar..i felt so close to Allah.
funny thing was ,there were few juniors who were doing hijab and i was soo happy but later i noticed that once they were out of college,they never put the hijab and would go out in jeans was very disturbing for me coz my freinds (who were non muslims)would be like..'why cant u take off the hijab too when we go out?!" was so hard to explain to them.we muslims are responsible for giving them these conflicting images.

and dont worry,we re together! if anytime you feel low,jus think that in the entire univ,among all the the eyes of Allah taala ,you stand most beautiful..inshAllah.

do med only if ur really willing to.dont give in under pressure coz its really ruff tuff.

may Allah taala guide you to whats best for u in both worlds.ameen
Zenunlild is offline


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