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Old 10-03-2012, 10:18 AM   #11

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Pinkflower, yesterday I was reading your posts with hope that I will find answer to the same question...I don't really know,it has begun about a week ago,and I always keep analysing my words if I said something that might be kufr. So I end up repeating Shahadah many times again and "accepting Islam" again (also doing Ghusl) I sometimes just ignore that,but I still feel guilty ...then I repeat Shahadah and Ghusl and so on...As you can see,I'm writing all words that have to do anything with Islam with capital letter,because I'm scare to do the opposite.I also read somewhere that you can have Waswasa for years,and that really scared me.I can keep writing,but I don't know if this can help you...

And please can you give me your opinion for the question in my first post?

Read this small booklet. It helped me come over my waswasa which I had, alhamdulillah.

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