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Old 05-09-2009, 06:35 AM   #14

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Oct 2005
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Assalamu alaykum -

As the brother Muhammad Nur said above, I read in The Guiding Helper which is consider authentic, that the dogs & even pigs are pure including their saliva.

And the prayer offered with the clothes with their saliva, or urine is valid - w/o washing.

With that being said, why is it haram to keep it as a pet, and what's the daleel for this? It seems to contradict the idea of dogs being pure. (How can taahir be haraam to pet.)

Also, are there any Maaliki scholars who disagree with dogs being pure?? Is this what the Imam Maalik (Rahimahullah) said about the dogs?

There are two ahadith that I remember regarding dogs. One was where Rasulullah (saw) wanted an area in a house washed because a dog had been sleeping there and another where it says that malaika do not enter the houses of those who keep pictures and dogs.

Dogs and their saliva are not taahir. According to the Shafi's, even the hair of a dog is najis (Shafi' brothers can correct me on this).
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