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01-17-2006, 03:45 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
"Without naming names, Carville says there's too much dead wood in his party"
That's a pretty accurate assessment.The Dems need fresh blood, much like the Repubs did when they finally gained control of the House in '94.
As far as winning a presidential election in 2008, I think it's too early to call that one one way or the other. The last two elections have been incredibly close in the Electoral College. A swing of one state in the other direction would have resulted in a Democrat president.
I know I just said it's "too early", but I fully expect Ohio to be a key state in 2008. Right now the Repub party there is having a ton of troubles. If the Dems can use that to their advantage it could be huge in 2008.
Then again, with the current leadership it's a toss up as to whether it can take advantage of the turmoil, or screw it up.
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