No it doesn't. This is clearly another subject that you think you understand and don't. I'm not trying to be rude, re-read what he said and try to fit it into ad hominem.
Your claim itself is a straw man, since laws are broken in the process of transferring a legally obtained firearm to an illegal market in the method you mention. The problem is not that having legal guns is a bad thing, the problem is that people abuse the system to get the guns in to the hands of criminals/unregistered owners. Thus stating that having the ability to legally own a gun fosters crime is a logical fallacy. The true culprit is, as stated, abusing the system, thus illegal activity. Countries with stricter laws, or outright restrictions also have illegal guns.
Not wanting to argue with someone based on their lack of merit is not ad hominem. Tinomen considered your post history and bailed on the discussion, that is intelligence, not ad hominem.