Shoot me then. I can take it
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10-28-2012, 08:12 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
We have a dog door in the sliding door in our bedroom. We made sort of a partial wall, with plywood and insulation, put the dog door in that and can leave the slider 'open' w/o it actually being open. DH also built a little addition to the outside of the dog door, also insulated, to help keep the weather out during cold weather.
It has made life so much easier.
Frankie LOVES the door and comes and goes as she pleases. Nick & Rosie would rather be let out, then will come in thru the dog door.
There has been a couple times when Rosie & Frankie went tearing outside at 3am when they hear the neighbors dog, or a cat fight outside. I keep a board handy that I prop over the door to keep them inside.
Works great.
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