Shoot me then. I can take it
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10-29-2012, 12:59 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
I am green with envy. I want a dog door pretty bad, but I don't have a privacy fence and I'd feel uncomfortable letting the dogs go outside without supervision until I have one.
I was checking out screen doors and regular doors that have the dog door built in. I really like the idea of a screen door with a dog door already installed because I can still close and lock the main door at night and when I'm gone so security wouldn't be an issue. Plus I need to replace my screen door anyways from some damage over the last 4 years by the dogs when they were pups.
Hmm, now that no one is a pup and I won't be getting another pp for many years I might be able to start buying nicer things... What a thought! Nice stuff at my house after years of young kids and young dogs. Wow. I'm a bit dizzy with the idea.
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