Liars and Targets and Beers, Oh My!
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01-31-2012, 01:35 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
"Obama’s energy policies are doubling the price of energy and destroying jobs and the middle-class"
Are you middle class? Have your energy costs doubles since Obama took over? I am middle class. My bills have not doubled. I lack the energy right now to dig out bills from four years ago but, I swear to you, cross my heart, I think they have actually (gasp!) gone down!*
Maybe it's because I took advantage of those sweet Obama tax break policies. I added insulation and replaced a drafty old window and door. Recently I took some of the money I'd saved and bought new energy efficient appliances too. Let the dollars roll in!
And hey, now that I think about it, somebody manufactured that insulation, that door, that window, somebody sold it to me, delivered it to me, and a few somebodies installed them. Same with the new kitchen appliances and dryer. Could that be? Why, yes, I believe it is. JOBS!!!!!!!
*Since we don't want to depend on my raggedy memory, I figured I'd better find a source. That turned out to be almost as difficult as digging around in the garage for receipts but I did find this
Retail Revenue (Million Dollars) 2008 2009 2010
Residential 156,633 155,433 -0.8 157,351 157,008 -0.2 167,957 166,778 -0.7
Average Retail Price (Cents/kWh)
Residential 11.36 11.26 -0.9 11.55 11.51 -0.4 11.58 11.54 -0.4
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