Liars and Targets and Beers, Oh My!
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02-23-2012, 07:21 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Edeevee, I respect your efforts as you continue to plow through this list.
The Iran and Syria issues are very much a powder keg of dynamite with a fragile hair trigger on it right now. I started a thread yesterday on the topic of Syria. My heart bleeds for its innocent citizens and the slaughter they are receiving from a government determined to hold on to power. The majority being slaughtered are not the Free Syrian Army (FSA), because they are armed and trained soldiers. (well trained on a small level and armed with mere Kalashnikovs ) The majority being slaughtered are women, children, and the elderly who just happen to be living in their residences, while their homes are being bombed by Assad's well equipped much larger army. The extent of terrorism they are living under daily is well beyond my comprehension.
The taste of war is sour on most of the tongues of our Americans after 10+ yrs of war in Iraq and Afghanistan. That fact is not escaping Iran and Syria's leaders, actually they are betting on it. Could war even resolve these issues as it did in WWII? I'm not convinced that it could? Afghanistan was in war with Russia for years and now with us for 10+ yrs and they seem to have accepted it as part of their lives.
None of the UN was keen on Pakistan gaining nuclear weapons, yet, so far, the world has not ended. Actually, the USA at one time thought it would be doomsday for the world when China and Russia became nuclear powers, yet it hasn't occurred. It is a very fine line between over reacting to a perceived threat and being proactive in the defense of our nation. I agree with what you say, I am thankful these decisions do not rest on my shoulders (or my brain).
As we all look forward to placing our votes for the next President for the USA, we need to consider all of these facts. We also need to brush up on understanding there are far greater, pressing issues to be dealt with than whether a young woman's birth control pill costs are covered by her medical insurance, or what prenatal tests she and her doctor are allowed to preform on her unborn baby.
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