The Fallacy of the False Equvalency
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03-13-2012, 02:28 AM
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Oct 2005
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It incentivizes bad behavior.
It also incentivizes bad behavior as long as one can claim their bad behavior isn't as bad as the other side, doesn't it?
I mean, if it's really, really bad for one guy to call a woman a s*** lots of times, then it must be okay for some other guy to call a woman a c*** just a few times, right?
While both s*** and c*** are demeaning, the one is okay because it's not as bad as the other one?
This is not a wise argument because you are condoning the behavior that is "less evil", even though the "less evil" behavior is just as disgusting and demeaning.
Wrong is wrong. Being less wrong is still wrong. It may not be as wrong, but it is still wrong.
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