Trying to look at it from both sides I can see that if you like Obama you are going to find it offensive, if you don't like Obama, not so much. I have to agree with TLC, it may be defacing but I don't see the racism but I guess it matters on your perception of the photo. I'm sure the former presidents were pleading with him, not because of his color, but of his policies. There were probably as many offensive cartoons about Bush but I didn't hear the outrage coming from members of the Fence Post. I do remember when Obama and Clinton were vying for the Democratic nomination there was a popular T-Shirt whose saying went something like "Bros not Hoes in the White House." Definitely more offensive than this photo and I was surprised there were little outrage especially from the feminist side. So is it racism, I don't think so; offensive, maybe a little; in poor taste, definitely. But, I will do with this cartoon as I do with the others. If it's funny I'll laugh at it, if it's offensive I'll think it's stupid then I'll just let it go because it will die because of lack of interest.