So... is the world going to end next month? We're just 48 days from December 21, 2012. What will happen?
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11-19-2012, 11:26 PM
Shawn Robin
Join Date
Nov 2012
Junior Member
Nothing's going to happen because it's just another stupid doomsday hoax. From NASA: Q: What is the origin of the prediction that the world will end in 2012? A: The story started with claims that Nibiru, a supposed planet discovered by the Sumerians, is headed toward Earth. This catastrophe was initially predicted for May 2003, but when nothing happened the doomsday date was moved forward to December 2012. Then these two fables were linked to the end of one of the cycles in the ancient Mayan calendar at the winter solstice in 2012 -- hence the predicted doomsday date of December 21, 2012. Link -
. From Mayan experts: "Mayans never predicted world to end in 2012: experts" "(Reuters) - If you are worried the world will end next year based on the Mayan calendar, relax: the end of time is still far off. So say Mayan experts who want to dispel any belief that the ancient Mayans predicted a world apocalypse next year. "We have to be clear about this. There is no prophecy for 2012," said Erik Velasquez, an etchings specialist at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)." From -
. Also this: The object known as "Nibiru" does not exist Link -
Nibiru - 2012hoax
2012 Nibiru Planet X Debunked Link -
. All that being said, give Bugs the Best Answer because that was funny as hell!
Shawn Robin
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