Iranian women in 1979, just before the Islamic Revolution
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07-31-2013, 11:34 AM
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Jan 2006
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You did a pretty good job of explaining the situation. One important thing to mention also is why the US and UK were so aggressively meddling with Iran. My dad is Iranian and has told me a lot about what it was like there in the 60's and 70's before my family had to get the fuck out. He grew up in Tehran and says that the American presence there was huge. This was mostly due to Iran's close proximity to the USSR and the fact that Iran shared such a huge border with the Soviets. He says that everyone knew that most of these random, single, professional American guys weren't tourists but CIA agents. They were there to not only have eyes&ears on the USSR, but to also make sure the Soviets didn't move on Iran and subsequently gain access to the Persian gulf. It was essentially a containment strategy, which was somewhat vindicated by the fact that the Soviets eventually invaded Afganistan. If the US presence in Iran had been light or non-existent, the Soviet invasion may have been directed at Iran instead.
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