Socialist Anne Hidalgo to be first female mayor of Paris
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03-31-2014, 01:38 PM
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May 2007
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Anyway as someone who actually studied this for a bit, yes the French Socialist party is ideologically social democracy. Which if you are going to take socialism as a very broad school (including marxist leninists through to social liberals) is 'socialist'. However, in the emotively changed 'COMMUNISM BAD' sense people are using it, no they are not socialists in the sense you understand it.
French socialist parties platform basically reduces down to having a well funded social welfare program and a progressive system of taxation (that means literally, the more you make, the more of it as a share is taxed). Beyond that, depends on the politican, I mean if you actually wanted to educate yourself at.fucking.all on the matter check out Mitterrand. Interesting guy, also famously completely fucked over the communists. Little facts like that should hopefully change peoples narratives. But hey, this is reddit eh?
IF you really want to pursue this 'COMMUNISM BAD' line of thought and actually want to base your opinions on anything actually happening in france, check out the plethora of troskists, marxists and so on parties which the Socialists are in direct competition with. Suffice to say France does have plenty of 'lol wut' parties, though to be honest few get worse than the National Front.
The Major two though UMP and the Socialists are defined only in how they differ from the centre.
Source did philosophy, french gf.
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