With all that is going on in Bush's world, he needed to remind people that he is A War President, and that he's going to protect us from all those damn evil doers ... so he drags up something previously released, repackages it with a few more details, and releases it just as his administration is being taken to task for warrantless spying on Americans. Hey, mid-term elections are coming up fast, and it's time to beat the national security drum. Here's another twist on the same kind of politics. Cheney Says NSA Spying Should Be an Election Issue, Washington Post, Feb. 10, 2006: Ah, the Master at work. Darth Cheney is so clever with words, isn't he? Obviously, the "clarification" is that you're either for the warrantless spying and against terrorists, or you're against the warrantless spying and for the terrorists. Cheney - and other small minds - can't seem to understand that people in favor of the Constitution have serious problems with the warrantless spying on Americans but also support any and all legal means to deny terrorists any opportunity to attack this country or her citizens again. And the clear implication - there's only one right view on national security, and that's OUR view. Anyone who has a different view is wrong, is unpatriotic, and has a "pre-9/11" view of the world. It's a good plan - Rove is a genius - you know, like those evil geniuses in the really bad, low-budget horror flicks? So, they're going to run on national security and terrorism. Guess we'll hear how well things are going in Iraq, and the trial of Bin Laden (surely we'll catch him now - it's the mid-term elections, for crying out loud!), and Hamas, and Iran, and North Korea maybe, and how 'bout them borders ... gee, they have a lot of material!