New event = dictatorship?
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02-06-2006, 05:07 PM
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Oct 2005
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It is common knowledge they all had flight training right here in the US. All they had to learn to do was hit a target which makes training time very short, no flaps or gear or landing lights or radio or rules & regs etc...just hit a target and, as whitestreet says, don't stall. There wasn't even much chance of stalling since they didn't have to worry about slowing down and the angle of attack was always nose down with increasing speeds.
Makes it a little more believable when you throw all that in.
Still, pretty friggin good aim! One little slip up and they would've irretrievably missed the target and likely would not have recovered for another go. I've often wonder if that isn't what happened in Pennsylvania - just couldn't figure out how to haul it around for another go.
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