New event = dictatorship?
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02-06-2006, 07:47 PM
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Oct 2005
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I'm sorry. I should've kept my mouth shut. I don't want to derail the main topic.
It's not like driving a bus. Larger plain may be more stable but also has more flight controls and electronics - sacrifice education in one, you need a lot more of the other.
They had to either know how to set and manage the path electronically (highly unlikely), or manhandle it all the way in.
Anyone whose tried to land a small plain finds out quickly how difficult it is to line up with something as obvious as a 4,000+ foot runway at least twice as wide as your wingspan. The Boeings that crashed into the towers had a wing span of 156 ft, while the towers were 'only' 209ft wide. Not like they "clipped" those towers.
Granted, they didn't have to worry about such things as speed however, if they'd have missed the towers at that speed with their backgrounds, there probably wouldn't have been any "go around". Again, luck I guess.
I'd say they were either better equipped to fly than we give them credit or they were very lucky to have a relatively calm day and few mistakes.
I haven't added credibility to either argument and I'm shutting up now.
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