Kendo's meaning and goal to you, fellow kendokas
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04-14-2006, 08:00 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
If I may make an addition to the above - the pursuit of knowledge of the self through kendo is an admirable goal, however after five months of training I'd suggest that the sorts of questions that are pertinent to your training are
'are my feet pointing in the right direction?' and 'are my hands and feet properly coordinated?' rather than 'will I achieve enlightenment this week and how long will it take me to become one with the universe?'
Just train hard and let the pseudo-epiphany stuff take care of itself. Try not to take it all so seriously. Enjoy what you're doing - it makes everything else so much easier. Here's a semi-pertinent joke to speed you on your way (young grasshopper).
A buddhist walks up to a hot-dog vendor and says 'make me one with everything'
all the best for your grading. I'll probably be sitting on your panel.
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