Thread: budokan abuse
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Old 08-15-2006, 08:00 AM   #21

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Confound wrote:
> Your post made me laugh. Very hard.

I'm always glad to provide comic relief to others! Perhaps I was also a bit too quick to judge, and so I assure you there is no need to get ruffled.

>'Spirit training'? if you're going to get all 'cultural' on us, maybe
>you should come and live here. trust me, it's a real trip.

Hrm... so there is an implicit assumption here on your part that I haven't lived in Japan... Actually, I spent quite a bit of time in Japan where I had the very good fortune of learning under Fukumoto sensei, Toda-sensei, Kato-sensei (shihan of Imperial Police, ret.) and Sato-sensei (Head of Tokyo Metropolitan Police, ret.), both at universities and with (obviously) the police.

As to getting 'cultural', sure, I can get all sorts of 'cultural'. But I won't because I'm no expert and my rants would be pretty worthless -- but I will ask this question: how can one NOT get cultural if studying kendo is also a study of culture (Japanese and human)?

I am somewhat surprised to learn that a kenshi is not familiar with my use of the term 'spirit training'. It seems to me that, in kendo, it is a rather established and fundamental idea (if not the term itself)... Let not our enthusiasm for reigi make us lose sight of kendo's martial roots, for otherwise we'd all be doing sado (sincerely no offense intended to the sado practitioner-reader)...

Hyaku wrote:
>Kendoka that wish too hospitalize you.

Oh ok. Now I understand what you mean.

One has to learn to deal with those people too, no? Just like in the real world, not everyone's nice.
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