Evolution of Kendo (split from what do you have on zekken?)
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11-04-2005, 08:00 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
"- electronic scoring as in western fencing. In present kendo, so much is up to the whim of the shimpan, who are frequently wrong"
I think it was Sumi Masatake sensei (
) who - when asked about the Miyazaki Vs Eiga match a couple of years ago (the one where M gets Men-ari without touching E.. who replied with a great Kaeshi-Do) - said (I paraphrase not wordage but content) "if the shimpan said it was a point then then it was a point."
I compete internationally and have "lost" points .... and have "won" others. It happens, get on with it. If part of kendo is to teach humility, then situations like these should be seen as opportunities to better ones-self, not be bitter. If I "win" a dodgy cut, I apologise to my opponent afterwards.
Modern-day electrified fencing is shocking (in a bad way + no pun intended!) to watch. I am sure the modern day fencers predecessors would not be happy that their tradition, in a popular context, has almost faded.
Language - you *must* have a common language (or Jargon)... I would have thought that obvious.
"Sonkyo is beautiful. I like it. The more respect the better."
Nicely put! Alex - I hope you are going to the WKC next year ... I think we have a few points in common! I may even buy you some scottish beer........
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