Evolution of Kendo (split from what do you have on zekken?)
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04-06-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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Achilles...what ever your reason for practicing kendo is great with me...but there is much thought out there that the traditional martial arts are a lot about developing character and not just winning as in a sport....if you are only interested in the sport aspect then I wish you all the sucess at being the best kendoka you can be....however you may find much more richness in kendo if you take time to explore other possible benefits from your practice.....there are a couple of good books by Minoru Kiyota on the philosophical aspect of kendo....."The Shambala Guide to Kendo" which is easy to find....(Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc.)...and "Kendo: It's Philosophy. History and Means to Personal Growth"....out of print and harder to find a copy....My personal background is 30 years of karate and I am a novice to kendo but I believe in the axiom...."the ultimate goal of karate(martial arts) lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants"....Gichen Funakoshi.....explore the concept of michi or do.......
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