practice, practice, and practice???
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08-29-2006, 08:00 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
I attended a national squad training/shiai and was amazed at the skill of the kendoka there.
I asked a senior what makes some people really good at shiai and he replied that it just comes down to doing lots of practice of the basics with a special focus on footwork. I think that quantity helps if you are doing QUALITY footwork drills and other cutting drills etc.. Of course having good motodachi and a good sensei helps also
Also when you attend a competition/seminar someone else who is more than likley not from your local club may tell you something that you are doing incorrectly which has been overlooked in your local dojo. I always feel stronger after attending a seminar or competition just from other kendoka's good advice. This in a way is training too.
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