Blood on the shinai
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08-29-2006, 08:00 AM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
Blisters are never ending it seems, I think the high ranking you become the less blisters happen b/c you're doing "nanadan kendo," ie very little moving. Most beginners and a lot of advance players push off with their feet a lot more often than older senseis, and move around more, thus have friction between their feet and floor and causing the blisters. So basically if you're young enough that you can run without any pain, you're stuck with blisters.
Originally posted by JSchmidt
Footprotectors are the wrong way to go and should only be used when absolutly necessary.
Yeah, totally agree with you. Don't be such a wuss and use foot protectors (tabi) all the time. Maybe if your callous has been ripped off and your fledgling callous was taken off as well so the only thing between your foot and the floor is bare flesh, sure, use a tabi for a bit. But how else do you expect to form the callous if you don't actually have your feet in contact with the floor?
Oh, and for you tape users, you're a wuss too, ride out the pain like a real man! but, i guess that sort of explains the foot infect...
hehe, just playing above
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