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11-21-2005, 08:00 AM
Join Date
Nov 2005
Senior Member
Hey Kendoman!
Well I think all the hard work and training should be done prior to any tournament then the end result will be your performance in your shiai.
On the day of the shiai you should do heaps of suburi which will keep your muscles loose and improve technique (warm up before your bout not during it) and most importantly keep calm, relax then go out there and enjoy it.
One of the great things about kendo is that you learn to overcome yourself.
I once fought in a shiai where the other oppenent and myself were tied and we went into encho (extra time). Eventually he struck kote. The match was over and I found out he was a beginner. I was furious with myself and could not believe I was beaten by someone who had not practiced kendo that long. But then I realised that at the end of the day we both fought bravely and I should acknowledge him and his skill as he was very good. So I went up to him, shook his hand and thanked him for the bout. I felt really good after doing this and it makes me more appreciative of another kendoka's skill. Even if I won I still would have thanked him.
Looking back now I am 100% sure that winning or losing is not that important in a shiai it is about maintaining good manners and being humble enough to appreciate another's skill and admiring his/her's kendo spirit (plus shiai is a great spectator sport).
Hope this helps!
John W
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