Can anyone here read Mongolian?*some help*
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05-26-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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Can anyone here read Mongolian?*some help*
Hi. I'll just get right to the point, I was in China during June this year and I happened to buy some CDs, one of which is amazing. It's a female singer and she is very talented. But I don't know her name(I'd like to find it out so I can find some of her other albums) because of the the text is Chinese(or so I thought). On the way back to the states, I sat next to a man who lives in China and I eventually asked him if he could translate the characters on the front of the CD cover.
Turns out, the album is called "Myself", but the woman is mongolian(and her name is in mongolian
), so the guy couldn't find out her name for me.
So, I'm here to ask if anyone hear knows mongolian or atleast knows someone who can read mongolian.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
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