Paul Chen
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08-05-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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The Hanwei swords are not made by one man - Chen Chao-Po, or his western name, Paul Chen - but are the result of assembly-line manufacture. The Hanwei Factory located in Dalian, China produces rapiers, Viking swords, Japanese-style naginata, Chinese jian and dao, etc. in extremely high quantities. The Hanwei Factory workers, while skilled, are using an assembly line process.
Originally, Chen's swords were sold through Bugei Trading Company. Bugei's early catalog showed the photograph, either of Chen Chao-Po or one of the senior smiths, wearing a "Mao hat" in front of a forge. The photo along with the marketing language created the impression that these swords were made completely by hand by a small number of smiths. When CAS Iberia became the importer of Chen's swords, it became clear that they were produced using assembly line methods in Chen's "Hanwei Factory" in Dalian, China.
Buying from Mr. Chen personally is sort of like wanting to buy your I-Pod directly from Steve Jobs, rather than an Apple store. Both Mr. Chen and Mr. Jobs head large business enterprises, with distribution networks.
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