Socrates Cafe
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02-20-2006, 08:00 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Well, I ask you:
Why are they fun? What do you get out of them that you couldn't get out of, say, golf? I think LarsCW's proposal about all the cool movies and choreographed sword fights is something to consider about why we've latched onto swords.
Is it, as LarsCW said, due to the mythos that cultures place around the amazing swordsman and his heroic exploits? Do we want to be a master samurai like we see in the movies? Or, does it go even deeper down to our instinct to have dominance over others? Are we sating our blood lust in non-lethal ways?
Good, piggy! Question the real world. No one has made much progress by sitting around accepting what everyone told them to be true and trying nothing for themselves.
I think we
be able to talk politics and religion as well. Of course, I also think that countries should be able to settle disputes without resorting to war. There are always many people who respect others' beliefs and values, but there are also people who couldn't care less -- they just react when they percieve that their beliefs are being attacked. If, as we explore some questions, we tread into politics and religion, then we'll just see if we can have a reasonable, civil discussion.
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