Studying Kendo Science (lenghty read!!)
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07-06-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
on that note... I got a concussion last year, here's what happened: I got whacked on the left side of the head and nearly dropped. I kept going since it wasn't the first time so I thought I was ok. A couple of days later (the following practice) I received another couple of nasty shots but nothing too serious. The following week I was apparently still all right, but the morning after a practice I couldn't get up & move. I was out for a week, sleeping and unable to do anything. It really sucks.
So here's what I learned through this head injury episode:
- protect your head properly (I bought a heavy duty pad for the men)
- make sure you raise your head slightly when you're about to receive an out-of-control men
- take some aspirin
- skip practice if you've been badly hit too many times
- don't listen those who say you should "tough it out"
- don't get hit
Since then I'm a BIG advocate of "extra padding" in the men. A bump on your arm is no big deal, but don't mess around with your head...
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