Thread: Summer Camp?
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Old 07-30-2006, 08:00 AM   #14

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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Oh... You're the one I met a couple weeks ago, right? Cool! Welcome to the forum! Yeah, I know. I am missing practice! Waaaaa... Oh, and thanks. Nationals are this week-end, so I guess that's why. What have we been doing in practice the last couple weeks? I want to be able to work on recent Kihon. Any notes that he's given?

BTW, I went to the AUSKF summer camp after the 1st week I began Kendo. It was confusing but fun! I was invited by another sensei, so that's why I went. You could go to the MWKF summer camp in August. Let me know if you're gonna go to either one. I'm trying to go to at least one of them.

We got two more new members btw For me something I learned new were the Kote, Kirikaeshi, more suburi of course I think I'll hold off summer camps until next year. Budget is quite tight lately, heh
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