Hahah funny topic I agree it is kind of rude that someone says Hello to you and you just ignore them even though they're strangers. I say hello back to strangers who says Hi to me... it kind of freak me out sometimes when a guy just jumps out of nowhere and just say hi and just stood there... I just say hi back nervously and am I supposed to tell him about myself instead of roll my eyes and run really fast? lol Talking about freaking out ppl saying hi to me... last week some guy yelled across the parking lot and say hi to me, lol I said hello back and rolled my eyes and went into my car really quick The freakiest "hello" I ever got was when I was at work picking up mails (was job duty), and when I was trying to unlock the lock box. A guy came out of the elevator walked back and forth for 1 minute then came right behind me and said "How are you doing?!" He seems so happy, so I was like "Fine, thanks.... can I help you?" (I was crouching down, too btw) After that, he just like did a oh-forget-it hand gesture and walked away, lol It was pretty funny