Where is your imaginary playground?
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02-18-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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Where is your imaginary playground?
So I am an addict to scifi TV and good medieval fantasy movies (which are rare). You may be a dork like me, or you may read mystery novels, or you may do whatever you do as a form of entertainment for a little imagination and escape from everyday life. So I was watching Battlestar Galactica today and it got me to thinking of today's completely non-kendo related thought...
If you could live inside any book, movie, genre, TV show, whatever, what would you choose? Ignoring the harsh reality of what it may actually be like in that world. This is just supposed to be a fun, imaginational, don't overanalyze it kind of question.
I think I would go for a cool scifi world like Battlestar Galactica. I like spaceship, gun fight type, scifi video games and I think it could be fun to be a pilot for one of those vypers (ignoring the reality of war and all that). Of course I get sick on rollercoasters so it would never happen, but could be fun...
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