Where is your imaginary playground?
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03-23-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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Anjin-san...good call on Neuromancer. Gibson *created* cyberpunk! Neuromancer, Burning Chrome, Mona Lisa Overdrive...I can't remember them all now, but those were my staples back in high school and college!
All that said, however, I really like the Battletech universe (pre-FedCom Civil War era). It grew up during the Cold War and so there are so many reflections of the American perspective on the world during the 80's and early 90's built into the BT milieu. I love the juxtaposition of super-high tech with way-low-tech and the perception that the human race had once achieved so much and fallen so far. The BT fiction, I think, takes the Byzantine political piece a bit too far at times (*no* one says what they mean and *everyone's* got an angle), but it's part of the shtick, I guess.
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