Understanding Kendo?
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03-02-2006, 08:00 AM
Join Date
Nov 2005
Senior Member
Can non-Japanese really understand Kendo as seen through Japanese eyes? is it a geographical difference? :
Can non-asiatic really understand kendo as seen through asian eyes?
Can western really understand kendo as seen through eastern eyes?
Can aliens really understand kendo as seen through human eyes?
where´s the much distance...or is it a subjective "culture heritage" understanding?..ok,let´s play that:
Can europeans living for 15 years in Japan understand kendo as seen through japanese eyes?
Can europeans living for 45 years in Japan understand kendo as seen through japanese eyes?
Can europeans living for 185 years in Japan understand kendo as seen through japanese eyes?
Can japanese living JUST for 5 years IN JAPAN understand kendo as seen through europeans living for 185 years in Japan eyes?
or even in a sort of
chauvinist way,
can japanese females understand kendo as seen through japanese male eyes?
and what about japanese females as seen through okinawan males eyes
see my point? where´s the "cultural heritage" difference? How is that determined exactly?
mmmm....I´m going to say kendo is as personal as life is, and the bare fact of being japanese does NOT make you more intimate with kendo. The fact of learning it in a proper way does. The better the way you learn and train it, the better your grasp and understanding of it...IMHO.
my two puny european
PS: I lived in Spain for my whole life and still don´t understand bull-fighting, bull-running or tomato parties.
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