Fighting against a nito kenshi?
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12-19-2005, 08:00 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Nito is absolutely not an 'unfair' advantage. As all the guys above have said, we would have plenty of bamboo flying around these days if nito was to win more matches.
With Ito you have the two hands on the sword, which means that you can strike faster and have more control over bloked/deflected strikes and thus recovery time is shorter. Also,in chudan no kamae, you have a vast array of possibilities to initiate or counter an attack.
Additionally, with Nito 99% of the time the blows delivered with the shoto will not count as valid points. So it's mostly about one sword anyway. Also, the myriad of waza available is pretty small, same goes for jodan.
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