Haha...Those Aussie Butchers...
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02-11-2006, 09:15 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
And people stopped killing each other after that. What a wonderful country.
I love hunting. And it sucked that me mates had to surrender our semi-auto .22's(rabbits) and pump action shotguns. But let it be said. There are psycho's everywhere and taking away guns wont stop them killing people. But a psycho with a knife and a psycho with an assault rifle, who gets the bigger bodycount?
When I was in Perth we had this High School kid who got dumped by his gf. He came the next day to his class, walked up to her and then stabbed her to death. Now imagine if he had access to firearms like the AR-15.
Funny thing is that they relied on people to surrender their weapons so the ones that did were mainly farmers who used them on the property for hunting and putting down injured animals. Well...its voluntary but as long as your firearm is registered as soon as the amnesty period ends, the cops come knocking on your door. If its on record you have a gun of a banned firearm class, they'll know. Though, if you have unregistered guns...hehehe
Haha, Newbie, when I was up at Flinders Uni...on the hill where the townhouses are...some nights we'd hear the crack of a high powered rifle and not think much of it. Until one night we heard a follow up "brrrrrp! brrrp!" sound, indicating some bastard up there has a Styer AUG in their possesion.
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