Google China
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01-31-2006, 09:01 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
It doesn't suprise me that other comapnies do it. Indeed, most textiles producers have to do it to remain competitive. But for
a company that has been brilliantly selling a service based on trust, to do it smacks of short-term profiteering. While I'm all anti-censorship and pro open-source ra ra ra, the laws the law. If the government is censoring them, does that mean they should be deprived of googles general loveliness? I probably use google 20 or 30 times per day doing compsci related stuff, probably none of which will be censored in china. Kudos for google for having the flexibility to adapt to other cultures I say.
The trust that they build is because all of their stuff is a) free and b) really good quality.
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