New To Kendo: sparring vs. katas
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01-26-2006, 03:00 PM
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Oct 2005
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New To Kendo: sparring vs. katas
Hi folks,
I have been wanting to take up Kendo for some time now, and I'm visiting a local dojo next Wed. for the first time. I'm 30 years old with lots of athletics under my belt, a few years of fencing and a bit of traditional Taekwondo as well (second degree green belt back in high school).
Anyway, I've seen Kendo sparring and while that interests me a little bit, I'm mostly interested in the slower, more meditative aspects of Kendo such as the katas.
Realizing that Kendo probably varies a lot from dojo to dojo, I'm wondering what I can expect? I'm certainly looking forward to a bit of sparring, but using a metal sword in a slow and methodical kata is more what I'm after.
How much of Kendo is sparring with the bogu, and how much of it is kata, sword technique and meditation?
Thanks in advance.
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